Save me from this liberal world
According to Bush & Co., Rather-gate has taught us one important thing: the world is too freakin' liberal.I doubt it. See below...
Sept. 28 article in the Toronto Star by Antonia Zerbisias on the topic of Rather-gate:
By the way, the chair of Viacom, which owns CBS, told a business audience in Hong Kong last week that the company was firmly in the Bush camp.
According to the Asian Wall Street Journal, Sumner Redstone said that "from a Viacom standpoint, the election of a Republican administration is a better deal. Because the Republican administration has stood for many things we believe in, deregulation and so on."
Clearly, this Redstone guy, a multi-billionaire who eats up media companies around the world as if they were trail mix, hates Republicans. What, you can't see it?
I dunno, this guy looks like an abberation. Most of the rich guys seem to dig Kerry. Who do Ted Turner and Bill Gates support?
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