Tuesday, January 04, 2005

Oh, Uncle Sam, You're Such an Angel

Chalk up another point for the political realists, rationalists, and security gurus of the world. Every time I sit down and dream of a world where governments do things simply because they are the right thing to do, I get a face full of American strategic policy. What's up this time? Tsunami relief funding.

Apparently, Dubya has rounded up daddy along with his papi's old nemesis, Bill "how you doin'?" Clinton, to drum up funds for relief efforts in Southeast Asia and other affected areas. It sounds, well, pretty innocent, right? Just two former foes coming together to help millions of victims in a time of need.

Not so fast. Looks like America is using its head instead of its heart in rushing to help. The tsunami disaster is now no more than just another stop on the Terrorism Express.

Instead of saving the lives of hundreds of thousands stranded survivors for reasons of -- oh, I don't know... -- humanitarian compassion, the prez and his "posse" (see "Prez Posse To Lead Aid Pu$h") are relocating military resources to the region as if the war on terrorism -- a term which, for some unknown reason, everyone still talks about even though we have to continually throw in "so-called" before its use -- has branched out into the realm of natural disasters.

Think I'm kidding? Colin Powell himself yesterday called American aid money "an investment in national security'' (take a look at the Guardian news story here).

C'mon, does everything have to be an investment in national security?! Clearly, I'm not a retired general, but am I really supposed to believe that Osama bin Laden was sitting in his mountain lair on Dec 26 giddy with the news of thousands of dead muslims? Furthermore, are you telling me that I should expect those lucky few who survived the tsunami to suddenly take some time out of their ruined lived to contemplate the state of world affairs, realize that America is evil, and proceed (on a dirt road that doesn't exist anymore) to their nearest Al Qaeda "chapter"?

For once -- just once! -- can we just help people for the sake of helping people?

Other news Links:
ABC News - Australia
SMH News - Australia


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