Hey Hey, Ho Ho, Anchovies Have Got to Go!

Oh, hey there. Guess so.
My name is Gabe. And I have returned. Yes, thanks to the lovable Kyle Lambert, a man filled with pure idealism and the utmost respect for politics as day dreaming, B2D has been reborn. Here, here.
Shall we begin? Let's shall...
I'll save the election analysis for someone else, for, like most Canadians, I need a political nap. You know, like the ones in kindergarten. And now that I mention it, why don't we throw in a cookie too. Yes! Every Canadian deserves a cookie.
But that's not going to happen. Why? Because Canada is in a food crisis. Well, more like a pizza crisis. And it's only in Toronto. Er, make that specifically Queen St. (FYI everyone, I moved back to TO--that's right, this is now officially a long distance blog...minus VIA Rail of course). The details don't matter. What matters is, to borrow a phrase, is that pizza is on the march.
Chanting inspirational slogan's such as "No Justice, No Pizza" (link 1, link 2) a group of former employees and their supporters have taken it to the streets, a la the Doobie Brothers, outside Queen West 's Amato Pizza to pressure the pizzeria's owners to pay 7 former employees roughly $82,000 in back pay allegedly owed to them.
There's a lot of mud being slung right now. Luckily, early reports suggest that none has landed on any deliveries. I'll keep you posted.
Good to be back.
UPDATE: Apparently, this story is older than I thought...we're talking August 2005! That is some persistent pepperoni protesting. (OK, I promise I'll stop with the cheesy puns...ah! there's another!)